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Older People Support 

For more than 30 years, we have supported people from Vietnam living in Tower Hamlets. We have organised a range of different activities and services to support Vietnamese and Chinese people in the borough but focused particularly on meeting the needs of older people. 


We provided advice and organised many social activities for older people. Our five day advice drop-in centre provides advice on issues such as welfare rights, personal care issues, money management, debt problems and housing. We annually provide advice and support to over 350 Vietnamese and Chinese older adults in Tower Hamlets. 



Our advisers will help you on the following topics : 


1- Information, Advice and Signposting : 


  • Five day advice drop-in centre offering face-to-face and telephone advice on a wide variety of issues ranging from housing and money matters to personal care. 

  • Help service users use the internet to access employment opportunities, obtain information and use social media.

  • Signpost and support service users to access specialist services by providing an interpretation service.

2- Access to Health Services


  • Work with Chinese and Vietnamese Health Advocacy to support service users access health services.

  • Escort service users to hospital and GP appointments, interpret, book follow-up appointments, pick up prescriptions. 

  • Support service users to make compliments or raise complaints with health providers.

  • Provide information for users to access preventative health services (e.g. NHS health checks).

  • Help transport service users to health services.

3- Practical End of Life and Bereavement Support


  • Provide emotional and practical support with end of life planning, including help with supported housing.

  • Provide bereavement support including practical help with funerals and arranging transport of ashes back to Vietnam or China.

  • Advise and support relatives obtain funds for funerals.

  • Advise and support spouses obtain bereavement benefits and share of the pension of the deceased.

Service Range:   Vietnamese/Chinese people over 50’s who are expriencing distress or hardship and living in east London boroughs . Special  attention is paid to some 40 elders whom are high priority due to physical and mental vulnerability. 

Activity level:       9 a.m to 5 p.m, 5 days per week, 52 weeks per year. 

​Older people service leaflet  - English version 

Older people service leaflet - Chinese version 

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